Neverland Digital accepts submissions from all artists worldwide. We aim to be a place where all creatives are welcome, so we currently have no specific requirement to submit work.

All chosen submissions will appear on all digital platforms and may be printed.



  • Paintings/Drawings
    Sculptures and other 3D media
    Excerpts of Comics or Graphic Novels

  • Poems
    Short stories
    Essays/opinion articles
    Excerpts of larger works

  • Playlists
    Audio Files (online publishing only)

  • Recipes


    Book Recommendations

    Anything You’ve Created As a Human

We accept: PDF, Google Drive link, or Dropbox link. For Music, A spotify/apple music link is preferred. Please ensure all work is unpublished and will be exclusive to Neverland Digital.

Please include your name and one social media handle for proper crediting.

If this is not provided, your work may still be published anonymously.

Artist Bios and explanations of work are recommended.